Monday, December 28, 2009

Set Yourself Apart from the Competition in 2010

A new year means a whole new chance to rejuvenate your business. The beginning of a new year ushers in change and people are ready to see what your business has to offer for this new beginning. Make 2010 the year that you make your business stand out from the crowd.

Catch people's attention and make them notice your business by becoming different from your competitors. If all the agents in your area are operating the same then how can a buyer or seller possibly choose what agent they want to work with? Your job, if you want to really make your business shine in 2010, is to give them a good reason to choose you.

Become that agent that is different. Becomes the agent that has everyone in town talking. Become the agent that people know they can trust and rely on. Become your town's Billion Dollar Agent.

Some ways to set yourself apart from the competition include:

- Revamping your advertising. Make it completely different from the competition. Make it eye catching. Don't waste a single advertising dollar on marketing that is not captivating and convincing.

- Create a slogan that sums up you and your business. Take time to really come up with something unique, catchy and unforgettable.

- Build a strong image. Make sure everyone in town knows what your business is all about and what you stand for. Make sure that your image is one that coveys professionalism, trust, reliability and shows people that you get the job done right every time.

2010 could be your banner year. You could finally reach that Billion Dollar Agent status, but it will take work. Do not waste a minute of 2010. Get working right now so once the new years begins you are ready to grab attention and make your business shine.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Having Trouble with Clients that are Eating Up your Precious Time?

If you answered yes to that question, then you need some help. Every agent deals with clients that seem to just be too demanding on their time. You know how important and precious your time is, but you may struggle with how to make the client happy without indulging their every demand for your time. Well, dealing with clients like this is something every Billion Dollar Agent has learned to do.

There is one simple key here - you need to be in charge of the situation. Every time you meet or talk make sure their is a clear goal in mind. Work towards that goal and stay focused. You may need to be skillful at keeping the client focused, but if you are well prepared beforehand then this should not be difficult to do.

Make sure that you always prepare before every meeting or call. Get yourself ready with all the paperwork you need or other information. Also let the client know that you have only a specific set amount of time, so you have to focus on the task or tasks at hand.

Being organized is also the key to deal with clients when they contact you. Maybe the client calls you about something. In order to avoid a lengthy phone conversation you should have their file right on hand so you can get the information they need quickly and get off the phone fast.

Real estate is a people business, but it is also a very time sensitive business. You need to be in charge of your time and not let others waste it. Only when you can master this will you be able to reach that Billion Dollar Agent goal.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Billion Dollar Agents Are Leaders

You have probably heard that to be successful in real estate that you need to be a leader. What is a leader? What characteristics does a leader have? What sets you apart and defines you as a leader? If you don’t know the answers to these questions then you have some work to do.

A leader is someone who has a certain skills set. They stand out and they take charge. A leader is someone that inspires others and makes them want to follow their leadership.

If you are trying to develop your skills and become a leader then you need to have the following characteristics of a true leader:

- You have to have vision. You need to be able to see beyond what is there and picture what could be.

- You must be able to create a plan. You have to be able to take something from a vision to reality through a carefully laid out plan.

- You have to be able to work with and rely on others. A true leader knows that they need help to accomplish their goals. Nobody can do everything alone.

- You have to be able to motivate others. A leader must be able to make others want to work for them and want to get the job done.

These four things are the backbone of what makes a good leader. If you are trying to become a Billion Dollar Agent then you first must be a leader. Work on your leadership skills and develop them so that they become second nature. Once you learn to lead, becoming a Billion Dollar Agent is well within reach.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Are your Clients your Biggest Fans?

What is the best way to gain a client's trust and loyalty? Make them your number one fan. By getting a client to see you as the best and see you as someone they can really count on, you will be able to build a relationship that will last. This type of relationship is something you must have if you want to be a Billion Dollar Agent.

So, how can you make your clients rave about you? How can you get them to think of you as the best? You might be surprised to learn that it is really not that difficult of a task.

You have to start by making your clients feel important. Make them the center of decisions and let them take the wheel. You are simply their guide and aid in the process of buying or selling a home.

You need to show them you care. Stay in contact with past clients and make sure everything is going smoothly for them. If they do have a problem then offer them your help. Be the person they come to when they need help.

If you make changes in your business, even small ones, make sure to let clients know. Don't spring any surprises on them or they may lose trust in you.

Be an educator
. Inform your clients about what they need to know. Make them into experts so they understand everything that is happening with their transaction.

Your overall goal is to become valuable to your clients. You want them to know they can come to you with anything. You want them to think of you first when they have a real estate related need. Remember that word spreads and when someone is really happy with your services then they will tell others. By cultivating this type of relationship with your clients you will see your business grow.

Here is a video that offers more tips on how to make clients love you:

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Some Basics of the Real Estate Market

Every Billion Dollar Agent knows the basics of the real estate market. There are some things that can be considered “textbook”. These things are basic guidelines and general rules that will help you to better understand how to do your job in the most effective manner.

Price adjustments are something every agent should understand. You need to know when to make them and when not to. You also need to know how much of an adjustment to make. Here are some ideas about adjusting prices in certain scenarios:

A major price adjustment may be called for when a house is not getting shown at all. Agents may not show it because they think it is just priced too high.

A moderate change would be made if the house is being shown without offers being made since buyers are probably finding other homes that are more affordable.

A small price adjustment should be made if a buyer is interested, but then changes their mind and buys elsewhere.

Another little tid bit of information that can be helpful is a guideline from the NAR. If you show a house 10 times then you should be getting at least 1 offer.

Information like this is something that can be very helpful for you to know. If you ever want to be a top agent then you really do need to get as much information about real estate as possible. A Billion Dollar Agent never stops learning.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Get a Jump Start on 2010

The end of the year is fast approaching. The holiday season is ready to begin and that always zooms by so fast. Before you know it we will be ringing in 2010. Are you ready?

Have you even thought about next year? Have you given any thought to your goals for the new year? If not then it is the time to get focused and start planning what will happen in your business next year.

Billion Dollar Agents are always looking ahead. They always know what is coming and are prepared for it. If you want to be a Billion Dollar Agent then you need to adopt that mindset.

Start by forgetting the things that went wrong this year. 2010 is a whole new year and is the perfect time to bounce back from the bad things that happened in 2009.

Don’t forget that January is a great time to do calls and to reach out to people. The holiday stress is gone and people are still feeling happy and cheerful. They will be most likely to talk with you at this time of the year.

Set your goals and do your research. Plan out 2010 so you are fully prepared for the year ahead. Next year could very well be the year that you reach Billion Dollar Agent status, but you can’t do that if you jump into the year without being ready for it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Learn to Say “No”

In business it is common for a person to start thinking they must always say yes. They get into a habit of just agreeing to everything in hopes that it will keep problems at bay. In reality, saying yes to everything is setting you up for failure. Billion Dollar Agents know when to say no. This is one of their main tools to reaching that top agent level.

Saying no is not a bad thing. That is the first thing you must realize. Sometimes you have to say no. It could be because you are already stretched thin and simply cannot handle another thing on your to-do list. You could say no simply because you do not want to do whatever you are being asked. Saying no is actually a way to look out for yourself.

Make sure that when you say yes it is coming from a well thought out place. Never say yes to make someone leave you alone or to avoid something. Say yes only when you really want to say yes.

Make sure that when you say no, you do so with conviction. You have to just be direct and say no. Make sure the person you are saying it to understands you mean no. When you have a habit of always saying yes, once you start saying no some people may think you are not being serious.

Saying no is actually quite liberating. Once you start saying no more often, you will notice how it effects you and your business. You will feel a load lifted off your shoulders and probably become more productive since you are able to focus on things that you really want to do. Saying no simple makes your life easier and is something you just have to do sometimes.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Explore Internet Advertising

Do you really know all the marketing possibilities available online? Chances are that you may not be taking full advantage of what the internet has to offer you. There are so many options for real estate advertising online that you can really grow your business through internet marketing.

One of the top advertising options is Craigslist. Every agent that wants to be a Billion Dollar Agent must advertise on Craigslist. If you have never heard of Craigslist then now is the time to explore it.

Craigslist is the top internet classifieds ads site. You can literally find anything on Craigslist. This, of course, includes real estate. Hundreds of agents are already listing their properties on Craigslist. You don’t want to miss out.

All you need to do is set up a listing schedule and have your listings posted to Craigslist on a weekly basis. You will be very glad that you did since Craigslist draws in billions of visitors a month. Plus it is a very cheap advertising option.

Check it out today and get your account set up so you can be visible on this amazing site alongside other top agents.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can you Define Why you Love your Business?

If you cannot state right off hand why you love being in real estate, then you have a long way to go to being a Billion Dollar Agent. Passion is at the heart of every good business. If you do not truly love what you do then, maybe you are in the wrong business.

Passion and love for real estate has nothing to do with the money. You should have some concrete reason why you are doing what you do. You should have some reason that you can state off the top of your head as to why you love your business.

If you really do not know why you are in real estate and why you are working so hard to become a top agent, then how can you ever set goals and work to become better? Your passion or love for the business should be what is driving you towards your goals.

Think about it. Write down the top three reasons that you love your business. Figure out what is driving you to become a Billion Dollar Agent. Once you have done this then you can keep moving towards your dream and do so with passion.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Attitude is Everything

When you are trying to make it to Billion Dollar Agent status, you need to make sure you have everything that it takes. This is not just skills and the ability to be a Billion Dollar agent. You have to have the right attitude.

If you are not a positive person then you may need to do some work. You need to push away negative thoughts and only think positive about your business and yourself. You need to have a healthy outlook and not hold yourself back with bad thoughts.

Your attitude needs to be solid from the get go. You should not even start until you make sure that you have the right attitude. Attitude is everything when you are trying to reach a goal and to make it to the top.

This is a nice video that talks about how to change your attitude and start being more positive.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Making your Business Better with Virtual Assistants

You may already have an in office assistant and that is a smart idea. You want assistants that can handle lower paying work and free you up to handle the larger jobs. This allows you to get the most out of your time and to turn your business into a more profitable venture. However, there are still probably many medial tasks that you are handling that should be done by an assistant.

You do not always have to hire someone to physical work in your office. With the technology today, you can actually use a virtual assistant, that works from their home or from another office to do many tasks for you. Some of the things that a virtual assistant can do include:

- closing coordination
- database management
- accounting

This video fully explains the way a virtual assistant can help you in your business. Here a real estate agent talks about how she uses a virtual assistant to make her business better.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Fine Line Between Success and Failure

As a business owner you have probably heard that most business start ups fail within the first year or so. This is not something that has to happen. It is something that happens due to a lack of survival. It happens because these business owners didn’t know what they had to do to survive.

Survival is about learning what you must do. It about learning to adapt to your market. It is about striving to be the best. When you have a winning attitude and you are willing to do anything to succeed, you will find success.

Failure is not something you must accept. You do not have to face bankruptcy or forfeit your dreams. You just need to be strong, determined and willing to do what it takes to find success. This video explain some of the top reasons why businesses fail. Learning about failure will help you to be better ready to avoid it.

Billion Dollar Agents never give up. They fight. They work hard and they see problems as challenges that they can learn from and use to build their business. You have to be like them. You have to put everything you have into your business so you don’t end up a statistic. Your future does not have to be about failure. With the right winning spirit your business success is just a heartbeat away.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Manifest a Little Good Luck in your Life

Luck and business success seem to go hand in hand, but what happens when you are one of those people whose luck only seems to be bad? If you are not someone who just seems to find good luck around every corner then it can seem a bit disheartening to think that luck plays into your business success. Don’t fear, though, anyone can manifest a little good luck in their life. You just have to learn how.

Good luck is not something you find. It is something you create. Luck comes from owning your life. It comes from positive thinking. It comes from focusing on goals, putting positive energy out there and being willing to work to gain success.’

One of the keys to attracting good luck is being focused and positive. When you think about things in a positive way, they are easier to accomplish. For example, instead of thinking that you may be able to do something, think that you will do something. Just changing the way you think can do wonders.

Drawing good luck into your life does not happen by chance. You can make it happen. You can finally be one of those people who seems to have all the luck.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Achieve Goals in Steps to Reach Success

When you are working towards growing your business and making it as a real estate agent you have to think about your goals in steps. You cannot go from start up to Billion Dollar Agent overnight. Nobody has done that. Achieving such success is a process. As with any process it happens in steps.

You will grow your business in stages from $0-$100k, $100k-$200k, $200k-$500k, and $500k-1M net profit. In order to do so you will need to focus on different areas within your business.

You will need to follow in the foot steps of Billion Dollar Agents. You need to learn as much as possible. Get a mentor. That is the best way to set yourself up for success. Find someone you trust and who is a top agent and ask if they will help you and serve as a mentor.

Map out your steps to reaching your goals. Make plans and keep records. Make sure that every area of your business is covered in your plan. You should be covering everything from basic business management to listing management to customer care. Leave nothing to chance.

When you work towards your goals in steps you will feel more organized and find success comes a bit easier. It takes time. Just take it step by step and one day you will look up to see your standing on that top step.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Create a Big Huge Audacious Goal

A big huge audacious goal or BHAG, for short. Is just as the name suggests – something so huge and so crazy that it seems impossible. This is a goal that you set to accomplish is three to five years. You get that long because this goal is not your run of the mill goal.

A BHAG should be something really major. It should be a goal that anyone who sees it says it is impossible. This goal is “the” goal. It is your long term goal that you will work to achieve from the moment you write it down.

The whole reasoning behind a BHAG is to set your sights high. You want to be a top agent. You want to be part of Billion Dollar Agents. If those things are really true then you have to have extreme goals.

Agents don’t get to the top my setting easily attainable goals. They don’t get to the top by achieving. They get to the top by working. A BHAG makes you work and you work hard. It is a test. It is a test of your strength, character, commitment and determination.

Once you reach your BHAG you will have a feeling of accomplishment that goes beyond anything you have ever experienced. It is truly amazing. It is a stepping stone to reaching that ultimate goal of being a Billion Dollar Agent and you can do it!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Aren’t You a Billion Dollar Agent?

You know what a Billion Dollar Agent is and you know you want to be one, but you still don’t know why you haven’t reached that status yet. Why are you not a Billion Dollar Agent already? You have the drive, the dedication and the skills to get there, but something is holding you back.

Billion Dollar Agents are not at the top by chance. Every Billion Dollar Agent has put themselves to work with complete dedication. Set backs and problems are lessons to be learned and these top agents know this. Are you letting challenges hold you back? Maybe this is why you have not reached Billion Dollar Agent status yet.

Billion Dollar Agents know how to run a business. Maybe you are a superb real estate agent. Maybe you can sell any listing that comes you way. That is great, but that is only part of being a Billion Dollar Agent. You also have to be good at running a business. You have to know how to delegate, how to manage and how to get the most from your business. Are you a good business person? Maybe this is holding you down and keeping you from reaching the top.

It is important to note that only the top 20% of real estate agents ever reach that Billion Dollar Agent status. It is estimated that only 100 agents have reached this status. Being a Billion Dollar Agent is truly an elite recognition. Not everyone will make it there, but you obviously have the desire to be at the top, so examine your strengths and weaknesses and get yourself there. Being a Billion Dollar Agent is in your future.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Create Systems for a Better Running Business

There are many ways to run a business. Each business owner has their own ideas and own ways of doing things. The top real estate agents, though, understand that systems are the key to keeping things consistent.

You can see systems at work in every top business, not just real estate. You want to put systems in place that allow your business to run smoothly, like clock work. You should focus on creating systems that can run without you manning them. You should also design these systems to adjust to changes and allow for growth.

When you have systems set up you can then teach new employees the systems for quick training. You also will know that everyone in your business is on the same page and that things are being done the same by everyone.

Having systems is a Billion Dollar Agent secret that you cannot overlook. If you want a business that runs smooth and functions on a constant level then you need systems in place that will help you reach those goals.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Give Back: Make This Your Motto

Have you ever wondered what you can do to help your business image in the community? One of the best ways to help your business while also helping others is to get involved in charity and community service work. Giving back is always a great thing to do. Not only will it show you care about the community, but on a personal level it will make you feel good and bring your positive vibes.

One thing to keep in mind is that while donating money or items is nice, you want face time with the community, so you need to actually physically get involved. You want to give your time.

This may seem crazy since you are so busy, but it is well worth it. Charitable organizations always need volunteers to be there and help with events, so you will be doing them a big favor. Also you will be getting a break from the daily grind which will help your stress levels.

Overall, you cannot lose by giving back to your community. It makes you feel good, helps others and helps your business image.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Billion Dollar Agents Have Focus

How do you react when everything seems to be falling apart? What do you do when it starts raining on the day you are showing a home with white carpets to a family with three small boys who are running all over? How do you act when all of your assistants are out sick and your other office staff is too busy to handle extra work?

The way you act in trying situations says a lot about you. If you react in a frazzled manner when things do not go as planned or when a slight catastrophe comes up then you have a lot of work to do to become a Billion Dollar Agent.

Billion Dollar Agents react the same under pressure as they do during relaxing times. They do not show signs of stress and they never get frazzled. A Billion Dollar Agent knows exactly how to handle a tense situation. They know that keeping their cool is the only way to get through trying situations.

If you still get frazzled then find ways to help yourself overcome that instinct to react in that manner. Work towards always staying in control and maintaining that calm, cool and collected manner that will set you apart from other agents.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Magic Number that will Increase your Profits

Like any businessperson you probably wonder what you need to do to increase your sales. You may have asked if there is a simple way that you can get your profits to increase. You may have spent years trying to discover secrets about successful agents and trying to learn the “tricks” they used to get to the top.

The truth is that there are no tricks and there is no easy way to the top. The truth is that you need to work to be a top agent. However, there is one simple thing that you can do to increase your chances to become a Billion Dollar Agent.

It is sales calling. Top agents makes calls everyday. It is about doing it enough to make an impact. The magic number that will increase your profits is two. You need to make sales calls for 2 hours everyday.

Making sales calls for 2 hours everyday has been shown by top agents to be a major key in turning a big profit. In fact, the top 20% of real estate agents spend 2 hours a day making sales calls and those 20% are among the agents that are turning the highest profits.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Use Google to Monitor your Business

You probably use Google a lot in both business and your personal life. Google can be a great business tool. Try this idea – Google the phrase ‘your town homes for sale’. Replace ‘your town’ with your town’s name or the area where you sale. What are the results?

Does your website come up on page 1? Is it number 1? If you don’t even see your website on there then there is a problem. When you Google that phrase you should expect to at least be on the first page. If you are not then you will have some major website work to do. You want to be on that first page is you expect your website to help your business.

Having a first page Google result for your website is invaluable. You will not bring in new customers via a search if you are not on page 1. This is something that cannot be said enough.

Make sure that you take immediate action to correct whatever is keeping you off that first page. Do some investigation. Check out the websites that are on that first page and see what makes them different from yours.

Even if you are on the first page, if you are not number 1 in the results, then you have work to do. You want that top spot because that is where the majority of people will click.

Once you get that top spot you will have to stay on top of it. You need to monitor and make sure you do not lose your spot. It is a never ending battle, but it is well worth it. If you put a lot of work into your website then you do not want to lose all that work by not ensuring your search engine ranking is good.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Have a Buyer’s Agent? You Need a Client Agent

If you have a buyer’s agent then you must also have a client agent. A client agent calls clients and your SOI to touch base and to get information from them about their current real estate leads. They also work on getting referrals.

Having a client agent will free up a lot of your time. You will be able to hire this person to only work on client related tasks, so you are free to focus in on sales work that you should be focusing on.

With a client agent you know you have a person who is well trained and has the skills to work with clients and get you results. Every real estate business needs both a buyer’s agent and a client agent in order to stay productive and keep work flowing.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Billion Dollar Agents Know They Cannot Do It Alone

When you think about people who are at the top of their industry what is one thing that they seem to have in common? No matter what industry or business a person is in, if they are considered one of the best in whatever they do then chances are that they have a mentor. A mentor is someone who is an expert within a certain area. A mentor is someone with experiences and someone who has a lot of knowledge to share. Billion Dollar Agents have a mentor.

A mentor not only have practical knowledge of a certain subject area, but they also know it inside and out. They can share from their own experience and they can guide you to the top. It is imperative that you find a mentor if your goal is to be a Billion Dollar Agent.

You may have to work at finding a mentor, but when you find that person that is the perfect match for you, then you will know it. You will feel a connection and you will know that this person is meant to be your mentor. You will feel comfortable letting this person be your guide and you will trust in this person on a deep level.

Billion Dollar Agents know that there is so much more to real estate then what they can learn through books and event heir own experience. They know that the only way to truly master their business is to find someone to help them along the way.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Keep Exploring the Industry to be a Top Agent

Billion Dollar Agents are hard workers. They are always on top of things and they never stop learning. Billion Dollar Agents recognize that they will never know all there is to know about the industry and so they continue to get training and learn more about the industry so they never fall behind in this changing industry.

If you want to be a Billion Dollar Agent then you must set aside time on a regular basis to keep learning. You have to keep up with training and stay on top of changes within the industry. You must be willing to be a life long learner.

If you have no desire to keep learning then you will never be able to make it as a Billion Dollar Agent. Billion Dollar Agents have many characteristics, but one thing they all have in common is that they are not afraid to learn. They never give up on seeing what new thing they can learn and they actual are driven to try to learn something new. To be a Billion Dollar Agent you must be willing to put the time in to keep exploring the industry and to keep learning everything that you can about it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Make Life Balance a Priority

In order to succeed in business you have to be able to be happy with what you are doing. If you have problems in other areas of your life you may be distracted and unable to focus on your business. In order to be a complete success in business you have to make it a priority to achieve balance in your life.

Sometimes achieving balance in your life can seem difficult. You may need to work very hard to figure out how to balance all the different aspects of your life. Many people find balancing a family and a business is very hard and if you are one of these people, then you must learn how to achieve balance. Too often business failure comes form being unable to focus on the business as needed due to distractions from other priorities in your life.

Balance is where everything works together. That is easy to forget. You cannot emphasize work too much, nor can you emphasize family too much. It is all about finding that happy medium where everything works together. It takes time, but once you achieve balance you will find yourself being happier and much more successful.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Learn How to Handle More Problems

One of the secrets of a Billion Dollar Agent is that they are capable of handling multiple problems without losing control and without falling apart. Knowing how to deal with multiple problems and being able to take on more problems is one characteristic you must have to be a top agent.

You cannot succeed in business without being able to take control over a bad situation, handle the issues at hand and get things back to normal. You must be able to take problems and either fix them or find a way to minimize them.

If your problem solving skills are not in good shape then you must work on them. You have to do what it takes to become a master problem solver. You cannot back down in the face of a problem. Learn to deal with problems of any size and you will succeed.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cut Out the Waste

In every business there will be people who slack at their duties and who waste time. You will always come across an employee that is basically sabotaging your business and wasting your time. You also will find that there are some tasks that are time wasters. They may be essential tasks, but they are a waste of your time.

When you want an efficient business, you need to cut out the people who are not getting things done and delegate those time wasting tasks. The simple thing to do with a person who is not doing a good job is to fire them. It may be difficult, but if you want to be a Billion Dollar Agent ten it must be done.

As for the time wasting tasks, the worse thing you can do is handle them yourself or give to the higher paid employees. Tasks that are low priority need to be handled by whoever gets paid the least. If you give a low priority task to a minimum wage employee and it used to be done by someone who made twice as much an hour, then you can see how you have saved money.

Learn to cut the waste out of your business. It will make things more efficient and help you to save money.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Always Know Where You’ve Been so You Know Where You’re Going

Tracking your activities is an essential task. If you ever want to grow your business and become a top agent, then you need to have a good system for tracking your activities. You need to find a way to check everything that you do.

By tracking your activities you can track your results. You can see what you have done that has lead you to where you are. This allows you to see what works and what does not work. You have the opportunity to be sure that you are working towards your goals and not hurting yourself.

There are many ways to track activity. You can watch the results form your marketing efforts. You can also watch how targeting certain markets affects your bottom line.

Keeping track of things is something you have to do or you will never know if you are on the right track or not.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Measure Your Goals

You know that having goals are important to your business success. Having goals is not enough, though. You have to actually do something with those goals to ever make them useful. Every goal you set should be something that is measurable.

A measurable goal allows you to ensure that you are working towards reaching the goal. You should have milestones that you need to reach by a certain time in order to stay on track to reaching your goals.

When you just set a goal without making sure that there are ways to ensure you are headed towards the goal then it is too easy to let that goal slip out of view. You may never reach the goal if you do not set up the steps to reach it.

A goal is merely an idea until you start putting steps in order to reach it. As you progress towards reaching that goal you should be able to check your progress. This will allow you to see if you are on track or if you need to work harder.

Goals are wonderful and critical to your success as a top agent, but if you do not hold yourself accountable for reaching them then they are useless. Top agents know that managing goals is just as important as setting them.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What’s your Purpose?

Every top agent has a purpose. Do you know yours? What are you working towards? Why are you doing what you are doing? Your purpose can be the driving force behind everything you do, but if you do not know what your purpose is then it will be hard to use it to get anywhere in business.

Think back to when you first decided to be a real estate agent. What was it that drew you to this profession? There had to be something that made you want to be an agent. Maybe it was the idea of controlling your own income potential. Maybe you like working with people. Maybe you just have a passion for real estate. Whatever first drew you to real estate can help you to find your purpose.

Once you decide what your purpose is, you can begin to use it to help you in everything you do. Every goal you set should be related to your purpose. You can use your purpose to drive your efforts to reach your goals.

Every billion dollar agent has a well defined purpose. They know why they do what they do. They are successful because they have a purpose. Don’t let your business lag behind just because you haven’t yet defined your purpose.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bring Your Skills Up to the Level

If you want to be a Billion Dollar Agent then you need to take a hard look at your skill set. Do you even have the skills to sell at that level? If you don’t then it is time to get working on improving and building your skills to bring you to that top level.

You will have to really be honest and look at your past work. See where you are lacking and see where you are strong. Identify areas where your business seems to have trouble. This will lead you to the skills that you need to work on.

For some agents, selling skills need a touch up and for others it may be management skills. You need to look at your business as a whole and find out what is holding you back.

Develop your skills. Top agents continue working on their skills forever. It is a process that never stops. You can never be too good. Nobody is perfect and that means there is always a skill or two that you can improve upon.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Many Hours a Day Do Your Work?

Can you even answer that question? Many agents cannot because they are constantly working. Overextending yourself is no way to get to the top. Many agents think that the more they work, the better their business will be. In many cases, an overworked agent is doing nothing but stressing themselves out.

If you seriously want to grow your business then you have to understand that there are only so many hours in a day. You have to find a schedule for your work day that allows you to focus on tasks that are important. You need to identify what you need to do and then identify what others in your office can handle.

If you can not let go of the reins then you may want to schedule a time each day where you review what everyone else has done. You can then be assured that they are doing a good job and you can rest easy knowing that your office is being well run.

A stressed out, overworked agent is not a good agent. That is the bottom line. You need a break, too. So, ask yourself how many hours you are working each day and if you cannot answer it then look at your daily schedule and see how you can fix it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Way to Get to the Next Level

As a top agent you are probably often wondering what you need to do to get to the next level. If you are really serious about growing your business and becoming a Billion Dollar Agent, then you have to get moving. You have to start thinking like a Billion Dollar Agent.

You need to set your mind to your goals. You must start to think of yourself as being capable of moving tot he next level. Picture yourself at that next level. Everything that you need to do needs to be done as if you have already reached your goals. Picture yourself as a Billion Dollar Agent and soon that is exactly what you will become.

However, you also need to be smart. You can not let yourself get burnt out on work. You have to learn balance and you have to stay positive. You have to make sure every aspect of your business is on the same track that you are. Problems must be fixed and you have to ensure that everyone in your business is on the same page as you.

Hard work, dedication and a lot of positive thinking will get you to that Billion Dollar Agent level.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Billion Dollar Agent Never...

There are many things that a Billion Dollar Agent must do in order to stay a Billion Dollar Agent. There are many things an agent does to get to the level of a Billion Dollar Agent. There are also things that a Billion Dollar Agent never does.

A Billion Dollar Agent will never fail to do seller lead generation. Focusing on only the buyer side is a major limitation to your business and top agents know that. You need to be working both the buyer and seller side of your business at all times.

A Billion Dollar Agent will never fail to maintain contact with the leads in their database. A good agent knows that there is always an opportunity, but that it is about catching a person at the right time. You can not simply throw away leads that do not pan out the first time. Stay in contact and eventually you may catch them at the time they are ready to buy or sell.

A Billion Dollar Agent never fails to make good use of their website. A website is there for the world to see. People who live across the country may just be looking for a home in your area. Do not alienate them by focusing only on people in your area. Make your website welcoming to everyone, no matter where they may come from.

As mentioned, Billion Dollar Agents do a lot of things. They are busy and they know how to succeed. A Billion Dollar Agent also knows just what not to do and that is what sets them apart from all the other agents out there.

Marketing at the Top Level

When you start to reach higher levels in your business you have to step everything up. It is not possible to simply keep on doing business as you were when you were a start up. Now that you have secured long-term clients and you are bringing in top dollar, you have to start running your business like you are a Billion Dollar Agent.

Marketing is and always will be one of the most important aspects of your business. Proper marketing is key to building and growing a business. So, it is now time to learn how to market at the top level.

Top level marketing requires multi-tasking. You have to get in touch and remain in touch with your clients. You need to make an effort to reach out to them and make personal contact at least twice a year at minimum. You need to test market and reach out beyond your current market. You need to start bringing in more clients, while still focusing on those you already have.

Marketing at the top level will require more focus an determination. In addition, you have to be willing to take risks to bring in new clients. Avoid getting stuck in a rut or ever settling on just sticking with your current clients. Taking your business to that top level means growing it. You can not reach a stand still. Keep marketing and keep moving up.

Keep Sales Activity Up to Stay on Top

Being average is not what you want, so why are you struggling to reach your goals? Everyone struggles. Everyone has challenges, but it is the way you handle them that will determine what the outcome is.

To stay on top you have to be focused. You have to work hard on building your client list. Everyday you should be consulting your list, making calls and contacting clients in one way or another.

You should delegate tasks as needed. You need to schedule your day so you are doing important work, work that leads to sales. You need to do sales activity every week. A real top agent never goes a week without any sales activity.

Overall, you have to get time management down to a science. You must know what you can do and what you can not do. You have to know when to give others work and when to keep it for yourself.

Being a top agent is not easy. Nobody ever said that it was. If you are willing to stick with and stay at it, though, being a top agent is something that you can do without struggling.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Knowing your Best Time of Day is a Key to Success

What is one thing all Billion Dollar Agent knows about themselves that helps them out tremendously in their business? They know their best time of day. Everyone has one. Think about yourself. When are you at your best? When is the time of day that you are really on top of your game? When do you seem most productive? The answer to those questions will lead you to your best time of day.

So, why does knowing your best time of day help you do better in your business? It helps you because that is the time of the day when you should be contacting leads, handling important business and doing the highest priority work. This is your most productive and focused time.

If you don’t know what your best time of day is right off hand, then simply just be observant throughout the day. Notice when you seem to be most energized. Be aware of when you seem to get the most done.

Do not waste your best time of day on medial work. Put yourself on important tasks. Focus on what will really help your business. Keep yourself on track and you will see your business grow and improve. Finding your best time of day will lead you to the success that you desire.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Confidence is Key is Lead Generation

Have you had trouble with lead generation? If you said yes, then you are not alone. Many agents struggle with generating leads in the beginning or at some point. Billion Dollar Agents, though, know how to get past the struggles and turn lead generation into something that comes easy.

The key to superior lead generation is confidence. You probably already know that a confident person is a successful person. When you are confident about yourself, others sense that and it tends to draw them to you. So, it is not hard to see why confidence can really give you a leg up in lead generation.

Have confidence in everything you do. Be confident that your presentation is the best. Be prepared so you know that you cannot fail. Do not show signs that you expect them to say “no.” Always be confident and let that confidence lead you.

With the right attitude, lead generation becomes simple. You may have to really focus on being confident in the beginning, but soon it will become second nature. In no time you will see generating leads as a simple task. It will take less time to generate leads because more people will be saying ”yes.” You will also see that this new found confidence carries over into other parts of your business and starts making a positive impact there, too.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Generation and Delegation Are Keys to Success

To be a top agent you have to grasp some key concepts that will lead you to success. In real estate, success comes from being able to generate strong leads and knowing how to delegate properly.

Lead generation is a basic concept that you should already have mastered before starting a business. You have to be able to generate leads or you will never last. It is a skill that cannot be taken for granted.

Delegation is something you will learn over time. You have to stay aware of what is happening in your business. Watch what your team is doing and look for areas where work would be better off delegated to an outside company than handled within your company. Also make sure when you do delegate that it is to the right people or company. Only work with trusted companies that can get the job done right.

By mastering lead generation and task delegation you will be on the right road to becoming a Billion Dollar Agent.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Want Success? Get Out of Your Own Way!

The reason most people fail to reach their goals and reach success is because they hold themselves back. When you get in your own way, you are only hurting yourself.

You can get in your own way because you fail to face your fears. You may fear failure, but the only way to success is to fail and learn from those failures. You can not allow fear to get in your way.

You may fail to see the big picture. It is the small steps that lead you to your ultimate goals. You have to do tedious tasks sometimes. Not every step on your way to reaching your goals will be fun or exciting.

When you get out of your own way and do what you must do to reach your goals, you will find success.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Never Stop Learning

Nobody has ever learned everything they need to know. In fact, the best businesspeople keep learning throughout their career. Things change; the industry changes. Change will keep you on your toes and that is why you have to commit to being a life long learner.

Top agents attend seminars and conferences often. They invest in training and coaching. They never stop learning. If you want to be a top agent, then do not stop where you are at right now. Keep going. Keep seeking new information.

Do not be afraid to try out new things. Let yourself explore. Read as much as you can about the industry. Talk to others and learn from them. Make an investment in your education and in helping yourself to learn as much as possible.

You will find that the more you know, the better you are as an agent. Knowledge equals money, no matter what industry you are in.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Know your Management Capabilities

Management is a large part of your job when you own your own business. If you feel that your management skills are lacking, then you should hire someone to help you out from the beginning. Bad management has caused many good businesses to fail.

Not everyone is cut out to be a good manager. You may be very good at real estate, but that does not mean you can manage people well. Consider hiring an office manager that handles the management tasks for you or outsourcing work so you do not have to worry about managing a staff.

You have to focus on what is best for your business. In order to do that, you have to think about management right from the start. Do not fail before you even get started because of bad management choices. Take an honest look at yourself and decide what the best route is for your business.