As a business owner you know that management is part of the job. You manage the agents that work under you, the office staff and others who work for you. There is another person that you must manage effectively in order to make your business a success and reach that Billion Dollar Agent level – YOU.
You will probably be the hardest person to manage. You will probably resist, not want to do what you need to do and may even completely ignore what you should be doing. This is what all too often happens.
Managing yourself means many things. It means taking time off when you need it. Keeping your mind and body in good shape. Making time for a personal life. It also means continuing your training and proper time management. Managing yourself is all about finding balance.
When you forget to manage yourself, you and your business will suffer. Take time to set up your own schedule each week and make time for everything in your life. Know when it is time for business and when it is time for pleasure. Draw a line and keep things balanced. In the end you will find your business runs smoother and you feel much more energized and focused.