Agents can be classified as either a hunter or a farmer. Figuring out what your approach is can help you on your path to success.
A hunter is someone who goes out looking for new business. A hunter actively works to pick up new listings. You may call FSBO and expired listings to try to pick up the business. You may walk around and knock on doors to talk to people. You are very active and on the hunt for business.
A farmer is someone who works existing clients. You build relationships by staying in touch, making phone calls and sending out mailings. You work to build up a sphere of influence. One of your main goals is to always reach 100% customer satisfaction. You know the importance of a good client relationship.
Figure out which one description fits you best. Your skills will place you somewhere either at one extreme or somewhere in the middle. Learning about your approach will let you see your weaknesses and help you to develop new habits that can help you succeed.
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