Billion Dollar Agents know that the key to success lies with good relationships with clients. Real estate is all about who you know. You want to be networking everyday in some way. You also need to adopt the mindset that every client is a client for life. In order to build those relationships and keep them alive you must maintain contact.
There are many different ways that you can maintain contact with clients. Here are some ideas that you may want adopt this year to help you stay in touch with clients. Feel free to use a few different methods. The more contact you have, the better.
A newsletter is interesting and informative. It not only puts your name in front of the client, but also gives them something. Your newsletter should include a personal note from you just to update them about the happenings in your business. This is a good time to welcome them to contact you with any questions or comments they may have. You can send newsletters in an email or through the postal mail.
A brochure is like a short little glimpse of your business. You can send out brochures just as a reminder of your office location and contact information. Make it appealing and show the client what you can do for them.
Sending short personal notes or emails is always nice, especially if you have just finished business with a client. Many agents use post cards to send notes because they are inexpensive to send, easy to personalize and very eye catching. You can even just send them out a few times a year to update clients about your services or to remind about how you can help them. You can also include tips and send them out seasonally. For example, in the fall send out a reminder note with a checklist of things homeowners should do to prepare for the winter months.
No matter what methods you use to stay in contact with clients, the important thing is to just stay in contact. You can never be a Billion Dollar Agent if you don’t have a client base.
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